Christ, The True Vine

Christ, The True Vine

Read First: Genesis 1-3, Romans 5, I Corinthians 15, Revelation 21-22, Ephesians 1-2, Hebrews 11-12, Matthew 21, Genesis 5, Genesis 6-7, Genesis 12, James 2:19, Malachi 1:3, Romans 9, Psalm 1, Matthew 6, Matthew 13, Mark 4, Ezekiel 37, Matthew 23, Acts 13:48, Isaiah 11, I Peter 2:1-11, Matthew 16:6-12, Mark 8:15, Luke 12:1, John 6, John 10

In the beginning God created

A vineyard, beautiful, with no sin

In it, the first Adam to walk with God,

And represent the sons of men.

But in this garden planted by God

The first Adam failed and did rebel;

Brought to his sons hatred and death

Now with the devil, destined for hell.

But God who is rich in mercy 

Promised to send an obedient son

To crush the rebellion,

A true and better Adam would be the one

To restore the kingdom where the sons of God

Walk with their Creator

In perfect harmony and obedience

Perfectly and Perpetually in His favor

But now, cast out of the vineyard

Cherubim guard

The tree of life

From wicked men with hearts hard

They leave God’s kingdom

Dressed in garments of skins

An innocent lamb had been killed,

Blood required to cover their sins

To wait for the healing of the nations

With no more sin

No need for a lamp or light of the sun

The promised Son became for men

A new and better Adam

The water of life

The righteous branch of the vineyard

Reconciling His sons, with God no more strife.

God’s Enochs with Him walked

And waited for the promised day

God’s vineyard restored

Through the one who’d obey.

God’s Abels sacrificed

Knowing only blood could pay

For his sin and rebellion

A spotless lamb did slay.

God’s Noah’s were saved

Not by works but by grace;

The ark a shadow

Of the one whose face

Abraham sought,

Called away to a land

Though He’d worshiped false gods

By grace, now God’s friend.

This land a picture of Eden lost,

Flowing with milk and honey;

Better than earthly goods,

A heavenly country!

But in this promise the devils also believe

His children like Cain

Bring their sacrifices to God

And on others their sin blame

Destined to be like Esau and Pharaoh

A demonstration of God’s power

Carried away with the wind

Like dead grass with its flower

They seek an earthly kingdom

Making a name for their own

Laying up treasure on earth

For the seed has been sown

On ground not prepared

By the one who breaks stones

And breathes life into 

Hopeless dead bones

They reject the landowner’s son,

Thinking they do right,

Kill Him and his children

Not knowing their plight

That the kingdom of God

Will be taken from them

And given to babes

Whose fruit comes from the stem

Of Jesse, the promised Son

The branch whose roots will bear true fruit

Perfect obedience

Will come from this shoot

And be given to a people

Like the tax collector in the temple

And the thief on the cross

They cry, “It’s me Lord, the sinner”

True fruit then is faith

In the redemption of Jerusalem

Like Simeon and Anna

Who were looking for Him

With eyes of faith

By God given

To all who were appointed

To turn from the leaven

The Pharisee’s free-will choice

Of self-righteous hypocrisy

Though zealous for God

They had no eyes to see.

That only God’s sheep

Who eat Christ’s body and blood

Will be found and made alive by Him

Who does all things good

So indeed will the vineyard be restored

Better than Eden

By the blood of the perfect Adam

Has come the Kingdom of Heaven.

By What Authority

By What Authority

(Malachi 3,4 and Matthew 21)

By what authority 

Do you do these things?

In their robes of power

They question the one who brings

Refining fire, cleansing water,

True righteousness to purify

And to be a witness

Against those who terrify 

Widows and orphans, strangers

And those oppressed 

By self-righteous men

In their purple robes dressed

Now to find fault with

The messenger of the covenant 

Was the way

To prove that He wasn’t sent

In the name of the LORD

“Hosanna in the highest!”

The crowd had shouted

From tyranny they wanted rest

To prove that He had no right

To enter the temple and flip the tables,

And call them thieves

He wasn’t able

To heal the lame,

Give sight to the blind

He had no authority

To be this kind

To sinners!

Mere infants and babes

While calling chief priests

Robbers and knaves

So now they had him 

Who gave you authority?

They haughtily asked

Breathlessly waiting to see

I’ve a question for you 

He said to them

Knowing their hearts

He exposed their sin

I do the will of the father

But I say to you

That tax collectors and prostitutes

Will see God's Kingdom before you

The land owner’s Son is here

But in your pride and arrogance 

You’ll capture and kill Him

And seize His inheritance 

The Father’s kingdom

Will be taken from you

And given to sinners

Who produce the fruit

Of faith in the Son

They repent of their pride

They fear His name

And from their sin don’t hide

Elijah the prophet has come

The children’s hearts to restore

The arrogant Pharisee

Will be no more

Like chaff in the wind

They fly away,

God’s chosen like the sun

Will shine on that great day