Whispers Of The Older Brother (Luke 15, Genesis 4)

“Prodigal None” Cain calls me

Though Abel’s my name

But my older brother won’t let me be

He constantly whispers my shame

How can you claim to be a son?

I know your secrets

I know who you are

It can never be undone

You wasted your life

While our Father I obeyed

I made Him my Lord

And I never strayed

I reply “Its true, Cain

And worse than you think

I’m ashamed of my stain 

And to dust I would shrink

If I didn’t remember 

When I crawled home in shame

That my Father came running

To give me His name

In my mind I’d made a deal

He might let me work my way

As a slave, not a son 

This sinners prayer I’d pray

I opened my mouth

To make my plea 

To offer my sacrifice,

To obey this time, I’d be

The best servant around

I’d make Him Lord of me

I’d never stray again

Here’s my sacrifice for sin

But my Father wouldn’t hear

Instead, He made a sacrifice 

With mine He wasn’t pleased

His wrath at my sin was already appeased

As He ran to me, He shouted

Kill my best calf! Spill its blood!

And clothe my son 

In robes I’ve provided

Put a ring on his finger

Spread a feast for him!

Rejoice with me!

Do not linger!

Yesterday I was eating with pigs

In my shame I’d fashioned 

Wretched robes 

With leaves made from figs

Today I feast at a table

Clothed by my Father in robes

Made for me

When I was unable

To make myself worthy,

Death I deserved.

But the blood on the ground

Now reminded me

That my Father had provided

A sacrifice for me

And made me His Son

Never to be

Condemned, I was free

To live in His house

Forgiven and clean

An heir of His promise

But the whisper of Cain

Still haunts as he watches me work

Not to earn my Fathers name

But because He loved first 

“I saw you look at that servant girl,

You may believe that the Father’s your Savior

But I know you still want to be in the world

Though He’s shown you His favor

You didn’t make him Lord

As did I

I’ve always obeyed him

And I never lie

That far country still calls you,

The look in your eye

Betrays your true heart

Make Him Lord now if you don’t want to die”

Sometimes Cain’s whispers 

Cause my mind

To doubt my Father’s love for me

And try to hide behind

My work for Him, 

The sacrifices I now make.

Surely they must be

The grounds on which I can stake

My assurance of His forgiveness

My place as a son

I’ll make Him my Lord more

Than I did before

Then I’ll be assured of my place

Like Cain I’ll bring

The work of my hands I hold out…

Only to see the ring!

This my assurance,

My Father first loved me!

He never loses a Son

Not even one

No Cain, I’ll cling

To the promise of the Father

By the sacrifice of blood

A substitute was there

Reminding me that I never

Could save myself from death

He is my Lord but I did not make Him so

He bought me with a precious price and this for me to know

His love for me has always been

And I can never earn

Salvation from His wrath at sin

And from it fully turn

Lawless I would be to claim 

That I’m a son

By turning from my sin

And making Him Lord of one

Who has a flesh like mine

That calls me to return 

To that far country every day 

And lusts within me burn

But my Father said I’m not condemned

While His robes I wear

One sacrifice I trust

Only one can calm my fear 

A lamb whose blood was shed

Is all that I will bring 

And shows me that a better one

Will come and be my King

Brother, I forgive you 

For you know not what you do

Were my last words 

As me his brother he slew

Now with my Heavenly Father I see

That my blood spoke of one to come

Christ, the lamb of God to be

The sacrifice for my sin, it was He

Once for all His blood was spilt

And the Father running came

To clothe me in His righteousness 

And cover all my shame

The older brother whispers 

But don’t believe his lies

Your sinners prayer, your Lordship life

Will never be enough

To save you from a Holy God 

Who gave you life and breath

You cannot make Him Lord enough

To save you from this death

But if to you in shame He ran

And for you killed the Lamb

And clothed you in a robe made white 

With blood of His dear Son

You can rest with God as your Father

And labor and love not to prove that you’re a Son

But rather because He first loved you

And made you with Him one 

You’ll groan against your sinful heart

And long for the way

To finally be like Him

Glorified with Him on that day

Faithful Savior (Mephibosheth Part 2)

II Samuel 21:1-14

In Christ, the ark of God we are safe even with our lame feet that never brought Him one good thing. But as death’s shadow comes near, even the adopted children of God might fear. Mephibosheth had been shown mercy (recorded in 2 Samuel 9) for the sake of an intercessor (Jonathan) and now feasted in the King’s house. But another day of reckoning came (recorded in 2 Samuel 21) and surely a dreadful fear came over Mephibosheth as news reached his ears that more of His family’s sin had been revealed. The time had come for the law to bring its full weight down upon all guilty parties. Even his namesake, his Uncle Mephibosheth must die. Yet lame, limping Mephibosheth found that grace and mercy because of the unfailing “Oath of the Lord” would follow him all the days of his life. The most poor performing Christian who is wrapped in the robes of the righteous lamb of God will be saved in that day. There is no need to fear when the King’s day of reckoning comes!

Fear overwhelmed him

As he looked about

Yes, he deserved this

He must account

For his sin was the same

Saul’s defiant heart

Had been his own

Yes, right from the start

The king had shown mercy

Jonathan’s love stood between

But mercy was ending

No light could be seen

Up the dark mountain

Hanged on a tree

His cousins, then his namesake

Next, he would be

An arm on his shoulder

“Today you will be with Me”

The King gently whispered

“Forever, you’ll see”

“The Lord keeps His promises

He made an oath

Justice was satisfied

On another laid your reproach

You’ll live forever

For you, the debt’s been paid

Chosen by the King

On His own self He laid

Your sin and rebellion.

The seed of the woman,

The true David

Will come to save men

His flesh will not see corruption

Nor will He be

Abandoned to the grave

Though He’ll hang on a tree

But the power of God

Will raise Him to life

His heel will be bruised

Crushing Satan and death, ending the strife

When death’s dark shadow

comes at last

Your sin’s been paid for

Present and past

Return to your home

Eat my bread, drink my wine

My body and blood

Given for you to remind

My work for you is finished

In Jesus I’m pleased

Though no good you brought Me

His blood appeased

The demands of my law

His white robes are yours

I love you forever

In eternity there’s more

Treasures prepared for you

For eye has not seen

What I have there for you

Never has been

In the heart of man

Blinded by sin.

But there, you’ll be like Him

The one your freedom did win”