Peter (The Kingdom of God)


This world is my home you say, as you grab your sword.

Malchus’ bloody ear shows your fear that God won’t keep his word.

The one who said follow me now says sheath, your sword.

How can this be?You follow from a distance

Your mouth betrays resistance to his words:

“the cup, which the father has given me, shall I not drink it?”

Before the governor, he stands bound and cold,

But you, warm by the fire so bold…

Deny you ever knew him…

You had been so sure

That He was the one on whom your fathers waited

To deliver you from…

Oppression, cruel rulers who steal, blindness, sickness, death, and fear

But now his hands are bound,

His head bows low

He willingly goes…

In fear and disappointment,

You curse,

Him you do not know

A rooster crows in the market nearby

Crushing your soul as you remember he said you’d deny

You’re weak now with shame

As he tells Pilate why he came

Not for a kingdom you can see

But to gather his subjects for the world to be…

Ruled in righteousness by one who obeyed

Perfectly God‘s law

Yet on him was laid

Your sin, so you would win - Him

The blind world continues to mock

You are a king?

They laugh as they kill…

The one who called you and changed your will

Counted a sinner, He is lifted high

On a cruel cross of wood

Condemned to die

Between two thieves like you and I

One yet blind cries out that He

If a real king, a real God

Would free

Men now from earthly tyranny

My best life now!

Set me free!

Now you see the other thief cry…

His eyes now opened to the one

Beside whom he now died…

Remember me, is his cry for mercy

As he sees his sin before the eternal king

Who promised to bring…

This great sinner with Him to Paradise which is

The kingdom of God

Not of this world which you forgot

It is finished!

You hear him cry

The price now paid,

The law fulfilled

You couldn’t keep it, so he was killed

Crushed by the father

His bleeding wounds

Give up his spirit

As he’s laid in a tomb

You walk away, head bowed low

Three times you’d denied Him

Ashamed to know

Such a weak king

Who had not fought to show…

His power, his right to live,

You give up hope

You’d been sure that Rome was soon to fall

But you’d failed your king, now dead

Your heart fails, and you give up all

Three days later, outside the tomb

Mary find his body’s been stolen

You run inside to find it’s true

More disappointment, more pain

Your king didn’t win

And now he’s been shamed

You trudge back home

Feeling to blame

Later that evening, from Mary came news

That she’d seen him and

He would ascend to his Father and be

King forever, world without end

But you in your weakness needed to see

The one who had promised

Your Savior to be

“Peace be with you”

Are the first words you hear

The doors had been shut

Yet he appeared…

Alive from the dead

To give you his Spirit

And send you to be

A peacemaker, bringing

Salvation and forgiveness

Of sin,

Through the one who had come

Like a lamb to the slaughter

To bring many sons and daughters

To an everlasting kingdom

Through the blood that was spilt

For forgiveness of sins

And removal of guilt

Now, by his spirit, you see

Like the humble thief on the cross

That He as God with us

Came to bear sin’s curse

It is no loss to lose one’s life

To take up the cross

For him to allow pain

Removing the dross

Refining us like silver

And taking our eyes from this world of sin

To desire a home and a kingdom

Where we worship and love only Him

Adam’s shame in the garden

And your shame in denial

Cannot be covered with fig leaves

But the blood of the lamb, who’d been on trial

When you’d said you didn’t know Him

And proved to be a liar

Now washes you clean

And makes you fit for the kingdom of God

Which last forever and it

Will not fade, kept by the power of God through faith though now you suffer

This trial of your faith, is now more valuable than riches

Or an earthly kingdom granting all your wishes

Now you with unspeakable joy

Receive with glory

The salvation of your souls

Now the hope of your faith

Is more precious than gold

“ for all flesh is like grass, and all its glory like the flower of grass. The grass withers, and the flower falls, but the word of the Lord remains forever. And this word is the good news that was preached to you.”

I Peter 1:24-25



Luke 1:26-28 "Now in the sixth month the angel Gabriel was sent from God to a city in Galilee called Nazareth, to a virgin engaged to a man whose name was Joseph, of the descendants of David; and the virgin's name was Mary. And coming in, he said to her, 'Greetings, favored one! The Lord is with you'."

Troubled at this saying!

How else to feel?

Fear had engulfed her

When Gabriel appeared.

God's messenger could only mean

that God Himself had seen

that she had not kept His holy law though she'd tried, and tried, and tried...

He could see inside!

Now he had come,

God's messenger, to bring just wrath upon her.

His hand raised to strike her head bowed low,

Instead gently waved with greetings to show that he had come with favor,

and to save her...

Her fear turned to perplexity,

He said: "Greetings favored one! The Lord is with you",

Words she'd ponder in her heart for eternity,

How can this be?

She'd heard of Adam, rebel son,

hiding in fear with his wife,

awaiting the promised blow that would take the life

from one who would turn from

God's law and believe Satan's lies.

He must have felt

as Mary did now....

The angel of God, hand raised high above the bowed head of guilt

spoke instead words of promise that would bring life, not death

through a coming Son.

But the just blow still struck with holy wrath.

Blood still flowed.

An innocent lamb now lay wounded and bleeding as God showed

His righteous law kept by Himself as he clothed

Adam and Eve with work of His own,

discarding their rags and covering them with

His righteous provision

of the blood and robe of the one

who represented the now promised Son.

To Mary, such mercy was a mystery.

Since Adam, this amazing history

of a chosen race,

a people of God

under sentence of death

expecting God's angel to bring the sword held high

upon the head bowed low,

receive instead God's favor

and a promised Son to deliver.

From Adam, to Abel, to Enoch, to Noah,

to Abraham, to Sarah, to Isaac, to Jacob, to Joseph,

to Moses, to Joshua, to Rahab,

to Gideon, Barak, Samson, Jephthah, David, and Samuel...

God had given His favor and faith in His promise

to deliver by one,

the promised Son.

Mary, like the rest

had done her best

but as sons and daughters of Adam,

they'd all failed the test.

Now, the angel was here,

the promise still good,

No need to fear.

The Spirit of God would come,

and she would bear a Son.

What had she done?

To be part of this plan of God to save a people

for His name and by His own hand?

She was yet unmarried,

Did God not need her to participate in His plan to save?

What if she gave...

just her willingness, 

wouldn't that be all that God needed

so that she

could see...

God's plan work, wasn't she free?

Foolish Mary! nothing to be done...

for she was a virgin

The Holy Spirit would come.

Just like her father Abram, she for a moment

thought to help

God keep His word and save a people for Himself.

But God's angel prevailed proclaiming the gospel,

God's will, not man's,

God's work, not Mary's

A virgin shall conceive,

what must she believe?

That God has done it,

God has sent the promised Son

Not of the will of the flesh, nor of the will of man,

but of God...

Just as promised in the garden so long ago,

Mary's son came into this world of woe...

A mystery so great that even wise men like Nicodemus

thought that God's kingdom would come to us

in ways we can see, touch, and feel,

That God's Messiah would heal

in ways that we can affect by our will.

But this promised Son now here

taught him gently just like the angel to Mary

that those in God's kingdom were not born

by active participation

of sinful man for the good of the nation,

but by the willing Spirit of God

who comes upon His chosen

to fill up His kingdom

with only those in...

robes of righteousness given by God Himself

who shed the blood of His own Son

and raised Him from the dead to live in...

a world to come,

a kingdom with no end

with God as the light

and the Son as the Savior

who has scattered the night.

Now in this season

what is the reason

for your hope?

Soon, the angel of death

over you will raise his hand to judge

and only some will save.

Do you fear this day?

What will you say?

One born of the Spirit will join with Mary and pray:

"My soul exalts the Lord, and my spirit has rejoiced in God my Savior. For He has regard for the humble state of His bondslave; For behold, from this time on all generations will count me blessed. For the Mighty One has done great things for me; and holy is His name. And his mercy is upon generation after generation toward those who fear Him. He has done mighty deeds with His arm; He has scattered those who were proud in the thoughts of their heart. He has brought down rulers from their thrones, and has exalted those who were humble. He has filled the hungry with good things; and sent away the rich empty-handed. He has given help to Israel His servant, In remembrance of His mercy, As He spoke to our fathers, To Abraham and his descendants forever." Luke 1:46-55